
Friday, November 18, 2011

Nurses Are Kinda Awesome

TGIF!!!! I am sooooo happy it is finally Friday, and I have nothing planned for tonight. It has been a while that we have had a Friday evening to just go home and relax. I am going to make dinner, make some cupcakes for tomorrow's tailgate and then just chill. I can't wait.

This morning I woke up very groggy from getting home late from the hospital. I ended up staying about 30 minutes later than usual, so I didn't get to bed until almost 12:30. Ugh... Sometimes, it just happens. Luckily, since I have been working at this part time job, I have only been home that late twice. I would have to think again about doing it if it were more often.

I got up and immediately wanted breakfast. I was starving! Must be that added cardio from running around like crazy for 4 straight hours. I eat on my way there and then just try to go straight to bed when I get home. Most nights, I will just have a glass of milk or some peanut butter on crackers to tide me over until morning. Last night, Mike had brought home some delicious pineapple casserole from work, and I just had to have a few bites. Layne - I must get that recipe!

Since my protein intake has been rather low, I wanted to make some eggs. After making those stuffed peppers on Tuesday, I haven't eaten any other type of meat, and it is easy to drop protein fast. I made 2 eggs (1 egg white and 1 regular) and put them on a piece of 12 grain toast. I added a little cheese in between and had a glass of milk. I usually only roll with egg whites in the mornings, but yesterday I was STARVING 3 hours later, so I figured today I needed a little more to hold me over until lunch.

For lunch, I will be having one of my last (sniff, sniff) stuffed peppers and a pear. I will be very sad when they are all gone.

I Love Being a Nurse

I have never regretted becoming a nurse. From the moment I entered nursing school, I knew it was meant for me. I love medicine and am so intrigued by things that most people would find "gross." I am proud to call myself a nurse and love the many options and career choices the profession offers. The opportunities are endless and I often think 'What can I do next?!'

A few years ago, I was completely burnt out from hospital nursing. This is something that happens to a lot of people in the medical field from being overworked, under-appreciated and under-paid. The most unfortunate thing about getting burnt out is that it usually is not a result of the patients. Usually, it is because of the millions of rules, regulations, documentation, and policies that the hospitals enforce.

Sure, I have had patients yell at me, hit me, try to hurt me, pee on me, throw up on me, and much worse... but, that is not why I left the hospital. I left because I felt like in a 12 hour shift (which always turns into more like 14 hours), I would spend 6 of those hours doing NOTHING for the patient. As a charge nurse, I would have to break up fights between other nursing staff, organize the oncoming shift assignment, and a lot of paperwork. As a staff nurse, I spent many wasted hours waiting on medications to come up from pharmacy, cleaning up after the previous shift's mess, and much more documentation than you could ever imagine. I also felt like in a staff nurse position, I had no where else to move up.

I left the hospital and have been in a research position for almost 3 years. The work is boring, the days are long, but I love the schedule, pay, and the amazing results that come from the work I am involved in. I can't really complain, because at least I have some time to shop, catch up with friends and family, and blog. :) The biggest problem I had with this job is that I missed working with patients.

Much to Mike's urging, I decided to take a part time job at the hospital to a. remind me what I wasn't missing, and b. to keep my nursing skills fresh and current. In an economy such as this and a career such as nursing, I need to keep my options open. You just never know what life will deal you.

Last night, I cared for an elderly man who was suffering from a chronic lung disease and diabetes. He was admitted to the hospital because he had gotten an infection that required IV antibiotics. He told me all about his life, how much he loves his family and his career when he was younger. He told me how he spent his entire life healthy and as soon as he retired, he became very sick.

This man had been through a lot already, but yesterday he was told there was a possibility he would have to have part of his foot removed. As upset as he was by this news, he had a smile on his face and thanked me for everything I had done for him. Later on in the night, his IV had gone bad and I had to start a new one. His veins are frail and weak and his arms are covered in bruises. I attempted to start the IV and I missed the vein. Another bruise on this poor, sweet man. I apologized several times and all he would say is; "Never apologize for trying, thank you."

As I was about to leave the room, he reached for something on his table. He handed me a small box of chocolates and said that he couldn't thank me enough for all I had done for him. It is hard to remember the bad things about being a nurse when you have a patient like that.

I love being a nurse. :)

Yesterday's Stats
Calories (+) 208 !! :)
Sodium (-) 248  :(
Protein (-) 3  :)

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