
Friday, February 3, 2012

Suuuuper Booowwwwll Time!

Who is ready for the Super Bowl??? We are pretty excited around here. There is a chili competition going on in the break room, all of my co-workers are wearing their favorite football jerseys, and there is very little work getting done. I am not a jersey wearer... although I have 2. Instead, I went with the subtle tumbler to show my team spirit.

In addition to all the fun at work, we are hosting a Super Bowl party at our house on Sunday. Mike is probably going to be tons of fun to watch the game with... sitting in a corner by himself, chewing his nails down to the cuticle, and guzzling Sam Adams while he prays for something terrible to happen to Eli Manning - I guess I will have to entertain everyone. :)

No matter who wins, it should be a fun get together. Lots of food, lots of drinks, and lots of good company. I am really looking forward to it.

Can we just talk about how I suck at trying to create any type of Italian inspired pasta dish? I fail miserably every time I try. Last night was better, but still no exception. I attempted to make a veggie primavera, with a tomato based sauce and lots of veggies. The flavor was pretty good, but something just wasn't right. Either the noodles were too hard, or the veggies weren't cooked enough, I can't decide.

Inside the sauce, I have a can of tomato juice, a can of water, a small can of tomato paste, italian seasonings, 21 season salute, and sea salt and pepper.  I brought all of that to a boil, then added in some fresh cauliflower, chopped celery, chopped tomatoes, and frozen broccoli. Served over whole wheat spaghetti noodles.

While I was busy with that, Mike was putting together my chili for work. We followed The Fitnessista's Sweet Potato and Black Bean Chili recipe and just added a little extra spice to give it some added flavor.

I am about to go get a chili sampler platter for my lunch! Our whole office smells amazing!

Gym Time
I followed through with yesterday's idea on skipping cardio and just doing back. I did a great back work out and then mixed in an awesome ab work out. My heart was pumping and I was drenched in sweat, so I know I was working hard for not running. I am not sure what I plan to do tomorrow at the gym. I might just start over at chest and do some cardio. Sunday, I am planning for a rest day. I will be busy making food and doing arm curls with my drink, so no need to go to the gym. :) I think 7 days in a row of working out earn me a rest day, don't you? :)

Have a good weekend!

Yesterday's stats:

Calories (-) 89
Sodium (-) 294
Protein (-) 18

1 comment:

  1. I just hope you know that I am SOOOOOOO looking forward to Sunday!!! Can not wait
