
Monday, May 14, 2012

unexpected seven

Hello there! Hope your weekend was fantastical. :)

Ours was awesome. Being at home for an entire weekend was exactly what we needed. It made the weekend go by at a much more normal rate and we got a lot accomplished. Most importantly, our house is finally clean. Like the whole thing. Not just the main floor and bathrooms, but the whole thing is pretty clean (just don't check the closets or garage).

Mike got a lot of gardening done, but not as much as he would have liked.  He added another raised bed so we could plant some potatoes. Unfortunately, the weather didn't allow for us to actually plant them, so we will have to do that another day.

We also got to spend some good quality time with my mom for Mother's Day, so that was nice. This was her gift from Mike and I. Isn't the color awesome? I fell in love with this hydrangea, but there is no way I could keep it alive. My mom and her boyfriend do a lot of gardening, so I thought it would be perfect for her.

Friday night, after coming home from work, we changed clothes and headed out to meet my mom and her friends for the Zack Brown Band concert. It was a really fun concert and we had a great time. The weather was so cold, but since we were up and dancing, it wasn't too bad.

Saturday morning, I woke up and made french toast for everyone. Before breakfast was done, our GoLocal delivery showed up, so we were able to add fresh strawberries to our plates.

My mom, her boyfriend, and friend all left a little after 1, so we got a sorta late start to our day. I spent a good portion of the day just catching up on TV while Mike worked in the garden. I did get some good cleaning hours in though, so the day wasn't a total waste. We also made a trip to Lowe's to get some patio ideas.

After showering and prepping for dinner, Mike and I spent some time outside, drinking wine and listening to music with the pups. The weather was so nice, so we tried to spend as much time out there as we could.

He loves his brother...

By the time dinner was ready, we decided to head inside since it had started to get pretty dark outside.


Mike was in the mood for steak so I marinated his in a high sodium marinade for most of the day. I went with a salmon filet, since I knew I could keep the sodium pretty low and still enjoy it. I love steak, but I think I love the marinade more than the steak, so it is just pointless to me without it.

We also grilled some sweet potatoes which we had never done before. It was so easy and they turned out fantastic. They were on the grill for about 45 minutes and were so soft and piping hot when they were done. Mike sauteed some summer squash and mushrooms in olive oil for our veggie.

It was an incredible dinner.

Don't worry, I snagged a few bites of his steak for him. :)

We spent the rest of the evening sitting on the couch either talking or catching up on our sit coms from the prior weeks. We haven't been home, so our DVR is packed with shows right now.


Sunday was a really great day. Mike and I woke up before church and had time to actually eat breakfast. We packed a bag of running clothes and then headed to church for the first time in weeks. It was so nice to be back.

Afterwards, we had coffee/tea with a couple from church and just talked and caught up. Mike needed to get in a 10 mile run in this weekend and they told us about a fun trail that was exactly 10 miles long. We headed straight there to check it out.

Our run started at Shelley Lake, which is where Mike and I had ran the day after our first 10k. I planned on doing 5 miles and then doing some ab work outs while Mike did his 10. Running felt really good. I had to take both Friday and Saturday off since my legs were still incredibly sore from my last leg work out, so I think the break was just what I needed.

Our route took us around the lake, through some woods, and onto the Capital Greenway, so there was plenty to look at along the way.

We ran by water, over bridges, and through tunnels. Those types of runs just keep me so entertained.

When I got to the 5 mile mark, I felt like I had a little more left in me, so I figured I might as well get 6 in. When I got to 6, I was still feeling really good, so I decided I would just run until I couldn't anymore. Around 6.6 miles, my legs were starting to ache pretty badly and I kept tripping over the ground. I guess I really wasn't picking my feet up like normal. Since I was so close, I pushed through to 7 miles and called it quits.

That was the longest I have ever ran. Since I have been only doing 3-4 miles lately, I was really surprised and proud of myself for getting in such a long run. I felt really good the whole time too, and the only thing that stopped me was my legs aching. The awesome thing about the Nike + app is that if you put in a goal and you go past it, it gives you updates in post goal information. It was a pretty great feeling to hear "6 miles completed, you have surpassed your goal by 1 mile." :)

Mike continued on to finish his run and I headed out into one of the grass fields to do some stretching and an ab workout. I have had this app in my phone for a few months now, but have just recently started using it. Basically, you press start and follow the example on the screen. You can choose 5, 7.5, or 10 minutes and I have been doing 5 lately. I decided to up it to 7.5 yesterday, which was a pretty intense work out. My abs are definitely feeling it today.

I finished up with stretching and abs right as Mike was finished with his run and we headed home to make some lunch. We would have loved to go out to get Mexican for lunch, but old low sodium me wouldn't allow it. :) Instead, we went by the store and grabbed the ingredients to make some bean and cheese tacos.

They were delicious, and took no time at all. I had one black bean and cheese and one pinto bean (added a little milk and mashed to make refried) and cheese taco. Perfect Sunday afternoon lunch.

For dinner last night, we had planned to grill some boneless pork ribs with bbq sauce. We have really been in a rut lately with dinner, and we were ready for a change in the meat department. We bought the ribs a few days ago and pulled them out of the fridge around 6 pm last night. Since we have never cooked ribs before... we had no idea they took 3 HOURS TO MAKE! Needless to say, we had a meal change up at the last minute. We will have to start much earlier next time in order to make those in time for dinner. We went ahead and stuck them in the freezer since I am pretty sure we don't have the time for a 3 hour meal in the coming days.

Instead, we heated up the leftover beans from our lunch, scrambled some eggs, and sauteed some potatoes and onions for a 'breakfasty' dinner. I am always down with eggs for dinner, and the addition of beans and potatoes just made for a tasty and quick meal.

Have a good Monday, everyone!

Yesterday's Stats:
Calories (-) 66
Sodium (-) 219
Protein (-) 8

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