
Tuesday, June 26, 2012

easy guacamole

We are still sort of recovering from a relaxing weekend at the lake. A friend invited us to his family's house at Lake Gaston, so we headed there as soon as we got off last Friday night. Though it was super relaxing and tons of fun, we didn't get nearly enough sleep and probably drank a little too much, leaving us feeling pretty groggy to start the week.

We had a blast boating, swimming, eating lake food (lasagna), and just enjoying some friends. We have all decided we plan to make this a monthly trip... we will see how that goes.

The pups are also recovering from a weekend at the lake. Deluca would not stay out of the water. I have never seen him so happy and puppy like before! He was dancing around all weekend, getting into mischief and getting yelled at way more than he ever has. I don't know what happened, he seemed to have switched places with Franklin for a weekend.

Let's see, he barked his head off, refused to stay out of the water, even when we needed him to dry off, swam his little tail off, and had one episode of jumping out of the boat to chase after a cat. All the while, my perfect angel, Franklin, was off the leash, prancing around and listening to every word we said. What??!!!

Needless to say, the two of them crashed on the way home.

It was a good weekend for the whole family. :)

When we got home from the lake, we came home to a produce box full of awesome veggies. This was, by far, one of the best boxes we have gotten.

Local blueberries, local white eggplant, local kale, local sweet potatoes, grapefruits, lemons, cilantro, tomatoes, green pepper and ripe avocado. Since I wasn't in the mood to cook a big meal, I immediately whipped up some easy guacamole and toasted a whole wheat tortilla to use for dipping. Since I knew that wouldn't fill me up, I also fried 2 eggs.

Anytime I make homemade guacamole, I get some kind of comment about how difficult it must be. It is soooo the opposite! It tastes 10 times better than store bought, and is so easy! Let me share the quick  and easy recipe with you.

Easy Guacamole
2 ripe avocado
1 large fresh tomato or 2 roma tomatoes, chopped, liquid drained
1/8-1/4 cup red or white onion, chopped
1 jalapeno, seeded and chopped
juice of 1 lime
pinch sea salt
pinch black pepper
pinch garlic powder

Using a fork, mash your avocado. Add in the chopped tomato and onion, a few good squeezes of your lime, and your spices to taste. Voila... guacamole.


I am finally feeling rested enough to start getting back to my running this week. I have a BIG birthday weekend coming up, so I want to try to get at least 3 runs in before Saturday.

Have a great Tuesday!

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