
Wednesday, September 26, 2012

chocolate glazed donuts

I am pretty sure it was a bad idea to run twice in less than 12 hours, but it just had to happen. I didn't wake up early enough yesterday morning to get a run in, so I went last night. Then, in order to allow for sufficient couch time tonight, I went again this morning. To be honest, it really didn't feel too bad, and I think I ran faster than normal.

We took Franklin with us last night, so he kept us moving. Mike and I were both running in the sub 9 minute miles for a majority of our run.

This morning, I went ahead and knocked out my 5 mile run. I was a little concerned that running 5 miles 12 hours after running 3 last night would be troublesome, but I think it worked out just fine. I wouldn't do it often, but every once in a while, it can certainly be done.

Both runs felt pretty awesome and I didn't have any knee pain or complaints. My shoes are finally starting to feel broken in and don't cut off the circulation to my feet after the first 15 minutes, which is a total win, I was really thinking I was going to need another pair of new shoes. This weather lately has been perfect, and I think that is helping a lot with my speed.

Mike has been recovering from his runs with chocolate milk, so I decided to give that a try today. I just read in Runner's World Magazine about how chocolate milk is considered the perfect recovery drink. I must say, it was a welcome treat after a 5 mile run. :)

So over the weekend, I woke up and decided I wanted chocolate doughnuts. Why? This is why. Ever since I saw that post last week, I haven't been able to get them out of my head. Sure, I could have ran out to the store and grabbed some, but I thought they would be better if I made them.

I made up the dough and heated some oil.

It took me a while to figure out just how long to leave them in the oil, because some came out dry and others came out not done.

They turned out pretty good. They were no Dunkin, but they definitely hit the spot.

Hope you all have a great day!

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