
Wednesday, August 22, 2012

pb&j oats

Today is Week 4, Day 1 of my half marathon training. Mike joined me for 3 miles this morning and it was actually a really good run. Tomorrow I will need to get up a tad earlier so I can squeeze in 4 miles, but I will worry about that tomorrow.

I made it the entire 3 miles without having to stop for my knee. Towards the end, I definitely started to feel it flare up a bit, but it didn't really ever slow me down. I went ahead and iced it down this morning anyway, just to be safe. Actually, I am currently sitting here with my leg elevated under my desk and an ice pack on my knee, I am such a good patient. :)

A while ago, my friend Layne (hi!), told me about peanut butter and jelly oatmeal. She raved about this combination and although it doesn't sound too far off from my normal oatmeal concoctions, I resisted making it because I am not the biggest fan of pb&j. I eat it when I am hungry and there is nothing else, but it is never my first choice in a sandwich combination. Well, last night as I was packing my lunch, I realized we are literally out of everything in our kitchen. I had no fresh fruit or yogurt to add to my oatmeal, so I decided to make things easy and try pb&j oats. I combined chocolate protein powder, oatmeal, a scoop of peanut butter, and a small teaspoon of homemade raspberry jam in a bowl and covered it with skim milk.

It was amazing. Probably one of the best oatmeal combos I have ever had and you better believe that it will be making a regular appearance in my breakfasts.

I am trying to get more food back into my posts, but it has been very difficult with the amount of eating out and quick meals we have been throwing together lately. Now that things have settled down a bit, I hope to get back in the kitchen and making some full dinners again!

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