
Thursday, September 22, 2011

4 Miles in 30 Minutes

...on the treadmill.

It drives me crazy that I can run so much longer and faster on a treadmill but when I go to run outdoors and I can barely get 2 miles in 30 minutes. I try to increase my incline and speed up and down but it is just too controlled, I guess.

I would much rather run outdoors anyway, but there are times when it is just not possible. Time and weather seem to be the main reasons I ever run on a treadmill. When I am working out at the gym, the treadmill is the easiest since I can get 30 minutes of weight training in and then go do 30 minutes on the treadmill. Otherwise, I would have to run outside, get to the gym, do my work out, and get a shower before work. I should build a gym that has an outdoor track or trail behind it... maybe that would be my key to making millions.

Each night, Franklin and I have ran 2 miles.  I know that I could run more, but I am trying to start out slowly so that I can work my way up, rather than walk most of the time. It is a good work out for me and I feel great when I am done. This morning, I decided since I didn't have to be at work until 10, I would take Franklin on a 2 mile run. I probably should have considered the fact that since we ran last night around 7pm, a run at 8am this morning would be a bit too much. We definitely didn't run as much as we walked. But, it was still nice to get out in the cool fall weather and get my heart rate going first thing.

Since I have already gotten most of my cardio done for the day, I figure Mike and I can take both dogs on a nice long walk tonight. I love taking walks at night with my husband. I feel like it is a great chance for us to catch up and talk about non business topics. We don't walk with our phones, so there is no texting, web surfing or facebook looking during that time. Although for most of our walk, Mike is busy yelling at Deluca.

Deluca is the world's worst dog on a leash. He pulls, chokes himself, won't listen, and goes to the bathroom every chance he gets (every stop sign, tree, mailbox, bush, or driveway). It is not fun. I don't even bother taking him when I want to go for a run. I only bring Franklin and Deluca does not like this very much. He only gets to tag along when Mike can join us. (I promise this is not going to be a blog about my dogs... I didn't realize how much of my life they consume!)

Do you want to hear about what I eat?  (all 3 of my followers - Hi Jaime! Hi Lindsay! Hi Mike!)

I feel like my eating is quite boring. I eat the same few things every day for breakfast, lunch is always leftovers or something equally as boring as breakfast. Dinner is usually pretty interesting. I love to cook and I love to eat. So, dinner is when I get to make great recipes and enjoy them thoroughly. 

Breakfast Usuals:

Overnight Oats
       This is pretty much my every morning ritual. It is easy, nutritious, and keeps me full for several hours. Plus, you make this the night before so breakfast is ready when you wake up.  I use 1/4 cup rolled oats, 1/4 cup skim milk or almond milk (chocolate is my fav), 1/4 to 1/2 cup greek yogurt, 1 tsp of honey, frozen fruit (raspberries, strawberries, or bananas - or all 3), 1 tbsp ground flax seeds and then add in some toppings.  You can really put whatever you want into these oats. Peanut butter, granola, dried fruit, chocolate chips, cinnamon, cocoa powder... I could go on and on. Today I tried frozen mango in my oats since I was out of berries. It wasn't the best, but still pretty good.
Refrigerate over night and enjoy in the morning.

Toast with Almond Butter and Bananas
      I love making my own almond butter. It is sooo amazing. Once I learn all the blogging rules about crediting others, I will share the links on where I get my recipes. Although, I am pretty sure the 3 of you know already.  Back to the toast - Toast bread (whole wheat, whole grain, sprouted) and add almond or peanut butter (1-2 tbsp). Then top with bananas. This was a childhood favorite of mine and I still love it. Almond butter and peanut butter really stick to your bones, so this keeps me full for a while too.

Eggs- Hard Boiled or Egg Whites Scrambled
     I usually try to hard boil about 6-10 eggs every Sunday so I have some mid morning, protein filled snacks available. Sometimes, I just eat the hard boiled egg with a piece of toast with butter. Or, if I have time in the mornings, I try to make some scrambled egg whites with toast or in a whole wheat tortilla. Add a little hot sauce and it is Ah-Mazing! Easy and delish!

I think I will post what my previous day's meals were at the bottom of each post.... that way, when I want to eat 1/2 a jar of almond butter, you guys can tell me to stop. :)

Have a great Thursday! 1 more day to the weekend!



  1. If you need help linking blogs or recipes, let me know and I'll walk you through it.

    Also, I know you're trying to be kind of anonymous with this blog...but I read a blog that has a link up called Thinner Thursdays. Anyway, you can link up and connect with people who you will never actually meet and maybe it can help you stay focused, motivated whatever. If you want the deets let me know. She is also an amazing writer and her little boy is super cutes...he's the same age as Fredders.

  2. Also, I'm going to show you how to take word verification off your comments.
