
Monday, September 26, 2011

Weekend gains, weekend losses.

Friday night, I worked at my 2nd job. I got off from Job #1 at 6, went home, took a 2.5 hour nap and then got up to go to the hospital. I always dread doing those shifts all day long. Then I get there and really don't see why I was dreading it so much. Working there is definitely a good thing for me and my bank account. It gives me a nice little shopping fund, plus, it is helping us get where we want to be with our debt pay off and savings account.

I didn't get to do any type of work out on Friday so that I ensured I got enough sleep for my shift. Although, working at the hospital is a work out in itself. I am moving constantly, lifting patients and running around like a crazy person. I am usually sore the day after working there, especially my arms and back. I had all intentions of getting a run in on Saturday evening and Sunday morning. Neither happened. :(

Saturday, the day just got away from me. I woke up around noon (I am not a slacker, I didn't get in bed until 8am). Once I woke myself up enough, I decided to start cleaning. Mike and I got the whole downstairs cleaned, vacuumed and mopped. It was a good feeling to have that done. Once we finished with that, I had some errands to run. By the time I got home and started to make dinner, it was 9 pm. Definitely a loss in the work out department... One gain was that on Friday night, the whole floor ordered pizza. I was able to steer clear of eating any pizza during my shift and munched on some mixed nuts instead.

Saturday I had a peanut butter and rasberry preserve sandwich on wheat bread when I woke up, a hard boiled egg for a snack and a homemade whole wheat crust pizza with veggies and turkey pepperoni for dinner. I am definitely glad I passed on the pizza on Friday night!

Sunday, I woke up and started cooking. We decided to have some friends over to watch some football and enjoy some chili and soup. I made a chicken corn chowder and Mike made some chili. I also wanted to have some snacks out for everyone and decided to make some pizza filled pretzels and a mexican pizza. I forgot to take pictures of all the food, but it was all sooo good! Anytime I am trying to eat healthier I try to give myself a "free day" per week. I know that if I don't, I will end up failing.  Plus, this strategy worked pretty well for me when I lost 25 pounds before my wedding. I definitely had a free day yesterday! Between the snacks that I made and the cookies and food that others brought, I didn't even get a chance to have any chili or soup. I was so full! I also ran out of time to go for a run before the guests started to arrive, so we will just call Sunday an overall loss in the work out and healthy eating department. At least we had a great time catching up with friends and just enjoying each others company. Now back to staying on track!

Today I will be taking Franklin for a run and will probably do more like 2.5 or 3 miles. I am going to take him with me to a Run Club that I sometimes do on Monday nights. We will see how it goes!

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