
Wednesday, September 28, 2011


I knew I would be sore, but wow. My arms are so achy and my sides are tender. Soreness from working out is so strange. It is such a wonderful, miserable feeling. I guess it 'hurts so good.' haha.

Yesterday morning I did arms, shoulders and abs. Then, I went to work and sat on my butt all day. When I got home, there was a certain puppy with way too much energy. Mike had tried to warn me. He told me that Franklin was extra excited today, so I was ready for it.

First, I had to take Deluca for a mini walk. He gets so upset when I only take Franklin on runs and leave him behind. Mike was at the restaurant last night, so Deluca had to stay home. This is Deluca's "I'm not talking to you" face that he gives me when I don't take him on the leash.
Deluca gives the best puppy dog eyes.

So, after my little warm up walk with Deluca, I grabbed Franklin and we were off. It was seriously one of the best runs I have had in a long time. We got started a little later than usual, so the weather was perfect and the daylight was fading. Usually, I have to make deals with myself to keep running and not to take breaks. Last night, I almost forgot that I was running. Franklin and I were in such a groove and ran the entire 2 miles. My mind was pretty heavy with work related stress so it felt great to clear my brain. When we arrived back at the house, I felt like I could run even more, but since it was getting pretty dark, I figured it was time to head in. When we got in the house, Franklin drank a ton of water and then collapsed on the floor. He was one tired pup. Mission accomplished!

He slept til 630 this morning! yay!
I made myself a quick dinner of leftovers from the weekend and then started washing dishes and clothes. I got a good amount of cleaning done last night, but have quite a bit more to get through. Mike will be home tonight to help me, so I know it will all get done. :) Thank goodness for a helpful husband.

I hope you all have a fabulous Hump Day! 2 more days to the weekend!

Calories (+) 7
Sodium (-) 1702 (sad face)
Protein (+) 7

Breakfast - Hard Boiled Egg with 1 piece of whole wheat toast with earth balance buttery spread
Snack - gala apple
Lunch - 1 cup of corn, chicken and potato chowder and 1 cornbread muffin, nectarine
Dinner - pulled pork shoulder, homemade coleslaw and baked beans leftover from a catering event Mike did with 1750 on    Saturday (definitely where my salt intake took a nose dive).  Pork topped with hot sauce and apple cider vinegar (could be that too).
Snack - 1 cup skim milk  

Work outs- 
40 minutes weight training and ab work out
25 minutes/2 miles of running - 10 minutes walking with the horrible walker.

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