
Wednesday, July 25, 2012

i heart food

Getting called off from the hospital when I am supposed to work is like winning the lottery for about 5 minutes. I spend all day trying to get my mind in "hospital mode," dreading it because I have 800 other things to be doing at home, and then I get the call. As soon as I see who is calling, I start smiling from ear to ear. I imagine an evening filled with relaxation, accomplishment, and an early bedtime. Then, I end up going home and cramming 900 things into an evening that I didn't even know I had a few hours earlier, going to bed later than if I had worked at the hospital... it's funny how that happens.

Either way, I was really glad to not have to work last night. After Mike and I ran a few errands, we headed home and I made dinner. I am sure all of you are readers of SkinnyTaste, Gina's Skinny Recipes. If you aren't, you should be. She always has wonderful recipes that are simple and health(ier) than most other recipes. A few days ago, I saw her post about Zucchini Tots and wanted to make them immediately. I already had the ingredients (win), but didn't have the time (boo). Last night was the perfect opportunity.

It was a fairly simple recipe to follow and they took no time at all. I roasted some broccoli and grilled some chicken with bbq sauce to go along with them, and dinner was ready in under an hour.

Mike was a big fan of the tots as well, and I can definitely see making these for a party or a cook out in the future.

For lunch yesterday (and today), I made a hummus and veggie sandwich, oh. my. yum. Garlic hummus, sliced cucumbers, red peppers, and tomatoes on toasted bread with a side of cherries.  I haven't had hummus in a while, and you can tell because we bought the container on Sunday and it only has 1 serving left. That will be tomorrow's lunch. :)

Breakfast this week has also been extra special. I have been adding sliced peaches, blueberries, and strawberries to my overnight oats with greek yogurt. The peaches add such flavor to my otherwise regular breakfast and I just can't seem to get enough.

Reading back through this post, I pose the following question; Should I get this excited over my last 3 meals? Am I normal? Don't answer that...

That is about all I have for you today. I ran again yesterday morning, another so-so run that didn't feel great, but at least I got it in. I didn't have enough time to run this morning and planned on going to the gym to get my push ups and abs in, but didn't even have enough time for that. Gotta love it when I walk into the gym, go straight to the locker room to get ready without doing a single work out... What that means is I will have to squeeze my push ups and abs in tonight before I go to bed. It is looking like it is going to be
another late night in the Black household!

We have a wedding this weekend for one of my close friends in Virginia, so we are packing up tonight so that we can leave straight from work tomorrow.

If I don't post tomorrow, have a great weekend everyone!

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