
Friday, December 23, 2011

2 Short

I think Deluca is enjoying being an only child again...
He never gets on our bed anymore. I think he would just rather stay on the floor than deal with Franklin bothering him. But, when I got out of the shower today, I found him cuddled up with his toy on the bed. He is taking full advantage of this freedom. :)

Recent Eats
Dinner last night was pretty boring, but pretty delicious. Sweet potato wedges seasoned with EVOO, sea salt and P, garlic powder, and paprika and some grilled asparagus.
This morning I opened the fridge to find 1 lonely egg. We have been pretty successful at clearing out all the fresh food in our house (wait until you see my random, ass lunch), so I finished it off by making an egg sandwich before leaving for work today. Honey wheat toast, egg, white cheddar cheese and strawberry preserves.

On-the-Go Fuel
After running by the grocery store last night, I came home and quickly ate dinner so I could get working on packing.  I started my packing in the kitchen and put together quite the snack pack for our trip.
Bread, cheese and turkey for sandwiches, string cheese, carrots, hummus and pretzels for snacking. I also added celery, cashew and almond butter, and some ranch for dipping. My sister in law is bringing the fruit (apples and bananas) and a few other snack type items. I also grabbed a bottle of pre-made tea, so that I won't need to purchase any along the ride. The jug I bought was $2.15 and will give me at least 6-8 glasses of iced tea. If I had to buy that many I would spend close to $8. Score! Plus, Sweet Leaf is one of my fav iced teas!

I made a bunch of turkey sandwiches and put all the stuff that needs to remain cold into 2 small coolers. Then I packed all the dry ingredients and supplies into a picnic basket. I brought some cups, straws, and napkins, so we shouldn't need anything else.
I am pretty pumped about being able to eat healthier food along our 13 hour car ride and reduce the amount of time we have to stop. We will probably still have to stop a few times for bathroom breaks and coffee (for Mike), but otherwise, we should be able to drive right through. Total cost for all of the above $24. Definitely the same, if not cheaper, than 2-3 fast food runs on that long of a car trip.

2 Short
I am 2 lbs short of my New Year's goal. I have been holding steady at 7-8 lbs lost since I started this blog. I definitely feel better, my clothes are looser, and many have noticed a difference in my weight. I know that my eating has improved by leaps and bounds and that makes me feel great.

I just need to incorporate more exercise. I can't even really blame the cold weather though, it is December 23 and 65 degrees outside. Perfect running weather.

I will not let those 2 lbs discourage me since I know I will get them off. I just hate that I didn't reach my goal. This will just make me work harder in the new year to be where I want to be. I am really happy with what I have accomplished since starting this blog and know that it is because of it that I have been so successful. The most important thing is that I am content with where I am. I just have to keep looking forward and at the big picture. My long term goal is what is most important, so I will keep working towards that.

I am bringing my computer with me while I am visiting with my in-laws. I will try to get in a post here and there, but can't really make any promises. We are usually so busy running around while we are there, there is little down time. But, we haven't been up there for a week in a really long time either, so maybe it will be different. I will try to snap some photos of what kind of food I get into while up there... maybe some hot wieners? (goodness, I hope not!) Either way, I will be sure to do a full re-cap when I get back.

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!


Yesterday's Stats:
Calories (-) 612
Sodium (-) 138
Protein (-) 13
Pretty good all around!

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