
Tuesday, December 20, 2011

The Sore Abs Workout

This week is crawling by, as I suspected... I can't believe it is only Tuesday, it certainly feels like it is at least Thursday.

I got to work today and someone had brought in donuts... Although I know that I should not have one, since there are tons of cookies at home and we have lots of treats here at work, I still wanted one. I hadn't had one in a long time and it was delicious. Sprinkles are my fave. :)

I am a little sore today from yesterday's workout. Actually, I am a lot sore. Usually only parts of my stomach are sore, which tell me I am not getting a complete ab workout in. I took today off from the gym, so I don't over-do it and so that I could sleep in a bit. Plus, when Mike and I ride together, I don't have the choice of sleeping in, so I took advantage today since we rode separate.

I thought it might be helpful to post the workouts that work for me. I am no personal trainer, and really have no idea what I am doing, so take everything I say with a grain of salt. What works for me, might not work for you, but I always find it helpful when others let me know what has worked, especially when it comes to abs. Plus, I want to document what I did so that I can remember it. :)

Ab Workout:
  • Side Bends - with 8 lb weight (I used to use 12 lbs, but I am starting light). I use the incline thing that you lean your hips on. Then I do 12 bends on each side for 3 reps.
  • Stability Ball Front Lean and Rest - I try to do 3 reps of 20 seconds. Lean forward with both your elbows directly below your shoulders on a mat, clasp your hands under your chest for stability. Extend both legs out and on to a stability ball. Keep your balance and try to create a straight line from your neck to your toes. 
  • Pelvic Lifts on a Stability Ball - Place both ankles/heels on the stability ball while lying flat on a mat. Leaving arms to your side for balance, lift your pelvis to the sky, creating a straight line from your neck to your ankles. 3 reps of 20 seconds. 
  • Crunches - Good old crunches - I only do 3 reps of 12-15. I find that when I try to do more, my technique gets pretty bad and I am worried I will hurt myself.  I also use the stability ball to put my legs on sometimes to get a different area of my abs.
  • V-Crunch - Sit upright on mat or bench. Lean back so that you are balancing on your tailbone. Lift legs with a bend at your knees. Crunch your abs with your legs, creating a V. 3 reps of 12.
There are a bunch more that I normally switch up with these, but this has given me one of the best all over sores that I have felt in a while. I think I will try to stick to it for a few weeks and see if it makes a difference. 

Tonight we are having a taco dinner with some friends while we exchange Christmas gifts. One of them is in town from NY, one is from Greenville and the other lives here in Raleigh. The 4 of us have been friends since high school but we became even closer in college and after.  It is always a fun get together and every time I am with them, we usually just tell stories and laugh our faces off.  My abs might just get in a little workout from all the laughing we will do. :)

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