
Wednesday, October 26, 2011


I may have a TEAnsy weansy obsession with iced tea. I am not a soda drinker and I do not drink coffee. I have water in a bottle on my desk all day and that is primarily what I drink. But, when it comes to iced tea, I am addicted. When I am the thirstiest, when I go out for a meal, when I want something refreshing, or when I am just plain sick of water, I want tea. I know that it is mostly water, but there is something so satisfying about a glass of ice cold, unsweetened, black tea.

I know the caffeine probably isn't good for me, but the caffeine in tea really doesn't affect me the way that caffeine in other products do. If I have 1/2 a shot of espresso (because I have never been able to tolerate a full shot) or a few sips of coffee, I have a reaction like no other. I get shaky and my stomach is unsettled. I feel like I have a million butterflies in my stomach and I start talking a mile a minute. Then, I crash. Like, I can barely keep my eyes open, crash. And I am rarely that tired at work. It is not the norm for me and I hate the way it makes me feel. But tea? Not a single side effect. I love it.

When I make tea at home, I usually make decaffeinated because sometimes I notice that it keeps me up at night. Plus, I am not the type of person that really needs a pick me up through out the day so I don't really see the point in making it caffeinated.

Just a little tid bit about myself that I thought you might enjoy. :)

Today I was in a bit of a rush to get out the door. I worked at the hospital last night so I only had the energy to put my leftovers in a container for lunch. I made a peanut butter sandwich for breakfast and downed it with a glass of skim milk.

For lunch, I had leftovers of my pasta. I have portioned the leftovers out quite nicely to provide a meal here and there all week.  It tasted even better re-heated, but boy was it greasy. I had to pour a little of the sauce off the noodles so that I didn't feel too bad about eating them.

I am about to head home for the evening and then Mike and I are meeting some friends for the Jason Isbell concert tonight. If you haven't heard of him, you should check him out. I am currently loving his song Good.

Have a great night!

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