
Wednesday, May 2, 2012

the first harvest

Good Morning!

It is Wednesday, so I am gearing up for the downward slope left in the week. We are heading to the beach on Friday, so there is lots to do to get ready. It seems our weeks just fly by since we have a few commitments on the week nights, leaving us little room for laundry and packing and such. In addition to all of that, I also need to find time to get a certain someone's birthday shopping done. I have gotten a few things, but I still have some left to get.

Since there is so much going on this week, we have gotten little to no exercise in. :( We keep making plans to run, but it seems like our list of chores after work keeps getting longer and longer. Plus, since we are taking a half day on Friday, we are trying to put in extra hours at work so that we don't have to take any vacation time. With the busy summer we have ahead of us, we have to reserve all of our vacation for that.

We WILL be running on Saturday and Sunday morning, and I think we are both looking forward to that. Hopefully next week we can really get back in the swing of things.

Dinners have been quick and easy lately, focused on low sodium and increasing my potassium. So far, I haven't seen a big difference in my blood pressure, so I am beginning to worry that it is out of my control. But, I haven't given up hope yet. The truth is that I have been reducing my sodium for almost a year, and have been conscious of it since my dad was first diagnosed with hypertension years ago, so the fact that this may not be related to anything I am doing, is not that surprising. I just want to make sure that I am doing everything I can to avoid complications. My doctor said to monitor for a few weeks and then we will make some decisions on the next steps, so that is exactly what I am doing. 

One item that has been making a regular appearance for dinner is baked potatoes. They are rich in potassium and low in sodium, so they are a good choice for me. On Monday, before we headed to trivia, we made grilled chicken sandwiches with a small baked potato on the side. Eating out just doesn't allow for low sodium choices, so I plan to do as much home eating as possible until we figure out what is going on. At times, I realize this isn't an option, but when it is, I am trying to just make my own food.

I grilled the chicken in a little safflower oil and then topped with a slice of muenster cheese. My baked potato is topped with a tablespoon of earth balance vegan butter. Delicious meal.

Last night, we kept with the theme of baked potatoes and added a fried egg to our meal for some protein. I ended up mixing my egg with the potato and it was sooo good.

Lunches for the last few days have been nothing but salad. But, it was excellent salad.

Do you want to know what is most exciting about this salad? The lettuce came from our garden!!!

After much researching, Mike found that our romaine lettuce was ready for it's first harvest, so we cleaned it up, had a taste, and made some salads. There is something about vegetables that your husband grew that just taste so much better than store bought. :)

Our other veggies are looking pretty good, but we had to deal with a bug problem. They were eating all of the leaves! Mike found some good organic options for ridding our leaves of bugs, so hopefully, they haven't ruined our crops!

I have also been eating the heck out of some mangoes lately. I love mango. It is so messy, but so very good.

After dinner, running errands, and talking to my sister on facetime last night, I was really wanting something sweet. I went for a small cup of french vanilla ice cream with some chocolate covered sunflower seeds on top. Yum.

This morning for breakfast, I finished off some vanilla greek yogurt with some fresh strawberries and banana slices. It was very tasty and very filling.

I am working at the hospital tonight, so I am praying for a smooth and uneventful shift. Then we are only a day and a half away from the beach!!! I can't wait!

Have a great Wednesday!

Yesterday's Stats:
Calories (-) 235
Sodium (-) 754 (!!)
Protein (-) 12

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