
Thursday, May 17, 2012

and we're back.

I haven't been to bed before 11, my Google reader has over 100 posts unread, and you poor people haven't had the privilege of seeing my meals and post work out photos since Monday... I know, it is a travesty.

I wish I could tell you something really exciting is going on in my life that has kept me from this place... but, I don't. Work has been crazy lately and my free time at home has been anything but free. Between working at the hospital last night, crafting for my sister in law's bridal shower that I am assisting in hosting on Saturday, and all the other random errands I have been running, I haven't had a moment to blog.

I miss g-chatting with friends, reading blogs, and e-mailing my sister and husband. My days feel like they are minutes lately and each time I look at the clock it is almost time to go home... to start on some diy project that I should have done months ago to prepare for this shower... oh, procrastination!

Lucky for you, I decided to take some time away from the things that I should be doing to compose a quick blog post to let you know what I have been up to. Even with all the craziness at work, I have done a pretty good job of getting out for runs and to the gym.

Monday night, we headed to our bible study group for casserole night. I had to hold back a little on this one, since casseroles are such sodium filled meals, but I had a little of each type and then ate a salad to finish me off.

On Tuesday morning, Mike and I went running around his building. I did not have a very good run, but we finished it, 3 whole miles. 

Tuesday night, we made the best chicken nuggets ever with some roasted sweet and red potato wedges.

Right after eating, Mike and I spent the next 3 hours making paper tissue poms for his sister's shower. Mike completely sucked at doing this, btw. He is pretty handy, but ask him to fold a stack of tissue paper in an accordion and he starts acting like a 5 year old who was just asked to clean his room. Goodness. Wish I would have gotten photo documentation of the poms he made, but I just wanted to get to bed.

We woke up Wednesday and Mike headed to work and I went to the gym. I told you all the other day about how I am following an app on my phone for a pretty good ab workout, so I did that when I got to the gym, along with some push ups.

Mike is doing the 100 Push Ups plan and asked if I wanted to join him. Apparently you follow the plan every other day until you can do 100 real push ups. Since I really want to tone my arms, armpits, and back area, I figure it wouldn't hurt. Plus, there is an app for that. :)

I also did a little foam rolling for my hamstrings... and creepy gym room picture taking.

We had planned to go for a 3 mile run after work on Wednesday too, but I didn't leave work on time and had to be at the hospital at 6:45, so we went and got some dinner instead.

Which also became my lunch today. :)

Breakfasts lately have been the grand return of overnight oats. My most common concoction lately: rolled oats, strawberry slices, chocolate protein powder, vanilla chobani, and skim milk. Left overnight in the fridge and then adding banana slices in the morning. So good!

Alrighty, y'all! I hope I can return to normal daily scheduling soon! If you want, you can check out my sister's blog, since she has been posting way more frequently than I have been. Her latest post talks about me naked... thrilling. :)

Yesterday's Stats:

Calories (+) 50
Sodium (+) 442
Protein (+) 30

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