
Friday, May 25, 2012

a stocked fridge

I love when we go on a big grocery shopping trip. It feels so great to have options to choose from for breakfast and lunch. I love having plenty of snacks throughout the day to keep me from eating crap or starving.

We started our grocery shopping at Trader Joe's, which is always wonderful. We always try to get as much at TJ's at possible, since it is usually very reasonably priced and the options are so much better than traditional grocery stores. We usually have to go to another grocery store after Trader Joe's since they don't have everything we need, but luckily we only had to get a few things last night.

I was starving after we left the grocery store. I knew we had a ton of food, but all of it would require cooking, and since it was almost 8:30, cooking was not something I was interested in. Instead, we decided to be bad with our eating and went to a food truck.

There are always food trucks by our house, and they always look so good. They have been around for about a year and they are always packed, so we have been wanting to give one of them a try, especially the Mexican food truck. You know it must be good when the menu is written completely in Spanish.

I decided to go with the chicken quesadilla and Mike went with a few chicken and a beef taco. When we got home and I had my first bite, I knew it was an excellent decision.

The shredded chicken was seasoned perfectly (and obviously full of salt, but I didn't care). It wasn't dry at all and it was so full it had to be eaten with a fork. Luckily, I had over 1,000 mg of sodium left in my daily allowance, so I didn't worry about it nearly as much as usual.

Mike and I both agreed that the beef was the best. It wasn't ground beef, it was chopped chunks of delicious beef that were seasoned and cooked to perfection. They also gave us 3 different types of salsa and they were all homemade and super spicy, just the way I like it.

In a way, it probably was a bad thing to try this place out. It is really close to our house and I can totally see us stopping by there more often in the future.


This morning, we woke up and packed our lunches before starting to get ready for the day. Mike and I were giddy with how many options we had for snacks and lunches. We are nerds...

I packed up some plain greek yogurt with some honey on top (current yogurt lurve) instead of fruit. I had never bought any honey flavored yogurts before because I didn't think I would like it. Boy, was I wrong! It is so delicious! I tried some at my sister in law's last weekend, and now I want it all.the.time!

Lots of snack options for my day!

While we packed lunches, Mike fried us each some eggs and I made us some toast. Since I wasn't going to the gym today, I could eat a full breakfast, and it was really great.

I wound up still going to they gym yesterday since Mike had to be at work early, and I didn't have anything else to do. I didn't do any running though, since my shin has been bothering me. I actually think I am going to rest it today and possibly tomorrow too, and give running a try on Sunday. Hopefully by then it will be all better.

Poor Mike forgot his lunch today, so he doesn't even get to enjoy his monster sandwich and wonderful snacks that he made this morning. :(

We are off to the beach this weekend to see some family and friends. Should be a fun weekend and we are both pretty excited to go running at ANOTHER beach this weekend. May has been a pretty awesome running month with all the different places we have gotten to run.

Hope everyone has a happy and safe holiday weekend!

Yesterday's Stats (had to guesstimate a little):
Calories (-) 510
Sodium (+) 400?
Protein (+) 12

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