
Tuesday, April 3, 2012

I need a little trash...

Hey! Since I didn't get a chance to post about our weekend yesterday, here is a quick recap.

Friday night, I worked at the hospital, so nothing exciting to share. :( I find that when I wake up after working an overnight shift at the hospital, that I just can't jump right into anything. I need a little time to get myself together. This is usually when I open up the DVR and find the trashiest television to mindlessly watch. My favorite is Teen Mom or Jersey Shore, but since I didn't have either of those to watch, 16 and Pregnant was a good replacement.

After about an hour or 2 of that, I am ready to get my day started. It is so strange that I actually need this. It is almost impossible for me to get through the day if I don't spend a few hours doing this after an all nighter... Life is so funny sometimes.

After I was done watching McKenzie and her boyfriend, Josh, find that being 16 and Pregnant was not only hard for the tumbling cheerleader, but also a major embarrassment for their families, I got my Saturday started. We had planned to go to Greenville for the afternoon/evening to celebrate a friend's retirement from the Marines. We headed down a little earlier to spend a little snuggle time with this guy.

My friend put together a really cute retirement party for her brother, Jason, along with his fiance. It was a good time seeing friends, and having a few glasses of wine.

This was the cake. Not only was it gorgeous, but it was delicious! It was red velvet with a cream cheese frosting, and then a fondant decoration. I love the chewiness of fondant, but I can only have a very small amount before the overload of sugar starts to hurt my teeth.

It was a fun time catching up with a few of my best friends. Jennifer, in the middle, is the mama of little P-rez. Doesn't she look great?!

I love that all of my friend's are interested in healthier eating and working out. It is so nice to be able to talk about that kind of stuff with them and to all have a common interest. I feel like they are all so supportive of my lifestyle change, and I am the same with theirs. I think it is really hard to lose any kind of weight when your friends are not on the same page, and it has made my choices so much easier now that they are all going after the same goals.

We headed back to Raleigh after the party and headed straight to bed. I was exhausted!

Our Garden is GROWING!

While I was sleeping on Saturday, Mike took the boys to Lowes to get supplies for his inverted tomato plants. He decided to make some upside down tomato planters, because apparently that is the way to grow tomatoes (he gave me the full run down of why this is the case, but I really can't remember... something about the plants like to be warm or something...).

Don't mind our tall grass, Mike cleaned all that up on Sunday and now our yard looks really clean and maintained, I promise. :)

Our planter boxes are looking really great too. Check out that romaine lettuce! So pretty!

I hope you all had a really great weekend. I am looking forward to the upcoming weekend, since my family and friends will all be in Raleigh.

Have a great day!

Yesterday's Stats:
Calories (-) 454
Sodium (+) 206
Protein (+) 2

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