
Tuesday, April 10, 2012

single digits

Ever since high school, I have worn a size 8 in pants. Sometimes I would get away with finding a size 6 that fit, but for the most part, size 8 was my size. Fast forward to after college, when I started gaining weight, I was a solid size 10. Sometimes that size 10 would be snug, other times, it would be a little loose, but always a size 10.

Y'all - I am officially back in the single digits of pants sizes.

This is a really exciting accomplishment. I usually try to relate my weight loss to something other than my weight, and this is huge. I seriously can not wear any of my size 10s anymore, so getting dressed each day is sort of difficult, but I will take that feeling any day!

Luckily, I have a few pairs of size 8 pants that, for whatever reason, I have held on to for all these years. Today, I pulled out a pair of J Crew size 8 kakis that have been sitting in the back of my closet for over 5 years, without wearing them. I bought them right out of college and maybe got 1 or 2 wears out of them before they just felt too tight. I am wearing those babies today.

Although I really don't want to, I guess I HAVE to go shopping for more pants that fit me.... ;)

This past weekend, I tried on a pair of shorts that I wore a ton last summer and they pretty much just fell off of me, straight to the ground. It was such an amazing feeling.


Last night, we headed over to our bible study group for a pot luck of salads. This was a welcome change to our pot lucks, considering how horribly we all ate over the weekend. Thanks to my GoLocal product box, I didn't even have to go to the store to get anything. We just came home, chopped up some veggies, cleaned some spinach, and off we went.

I threw a few colored eggs in there, since I have so many to get through! It was a great dinner.

I attempted a run this morning, but it was pretty awful. I felt heavy and tired, and only got about 2.5 miles in. Franklin seemed full of energy, so I felt bad making him go so much slower than he had wanted to, but some days are just more difficult than others. I hope the next few runs will be better since I am running in my first 10K this weekend.

I hope everyone has a great day! I am working at the hospital tonight and dreading it. I would love to get in bed at 8:30 tonight and go to sleep! Oh well! Maybe tomorrow night.

Yesterday's Stats:
Calories (-) 554
Sodium (-) 57
Protein (-) 23 :(

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