
Thursday, February 2, 2012

thanks a lot, Phil!

Happy Groundhog's Day! I guess it is 6 more weeks of winter... but this winter has been extremely mild, so I guess it really won't bother me much.

I am just sitting here munching on some mangoes... Mangoes are seriously the most refreshing and delicious fruit, but have you ever tried to cut one? I have watched youtube videos on it and had a full tutorial from my sister, because it is not as simple as you would think. Luckily, Trader Joe's has a solution.

I always keep a bag of these in my freezer. They are so easy to just throw a few into a baggie, let defrost overnight in the fridge, and then eat out of the bag. I love them for a mid morning snack. The ingredients list is the best...

I am having the same lunch I had yesterday, and I am so excited for it. Tomorrow is our chili cook off, so I won't need to bring a lunch. It is a good thing, because we still haven't made it to the grocery store.

Mike isn't feeling too well today, so he is working from home today. When I was getting ready to leave for the gym, a certain someone was particularly clingy. I don't know why he didn't want to sleep in with Mike, but this was the look I was getting the entire time I was getting dressed.

Awesome cropping skills to give the appearance that my closet is clean. :)
What a face! He made it so difficult to walk out the door. I just wanted to stay and snuggle him all day! Deluca was not interested in me this morning. When Mike is around, it is all about Mike with that dog.

Gym Time
I finally ended up leaving that little, sweet pup and headed to the gym for a cardio session. It feels great to know that I have already done every muscle group except back, so I could make time for just a cardio day. I plan on doing back tomorrow, so I will get everything in this week. I might take tomorrow off from cardio, though. I have done 4 days this week and plan on going to the gym on Saturday. My legs are feeling a little sore, and I just feel like I need to rest them. So tomorrow, I will plan on just getting to the gym for a full back work out.

We are going to attempt a veggie primavera tonight for dinner. I'll post pics and a recipe tomorrow if turns out OK.

Have a great day!

Yesterday's Stats:
Calories (-) 0
Sodium (-) 704 - definitely made up for the previous day!
Protein (-) 14

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